RFWTT 2024

RFWTT 2024!


The 750 meter open water swim will take place in the clean waters of Union Reservoir.


The bike ride portion is 12.9 miles. The single-loop course is now construction free…


The 5K run is an out & back course along the dirt road adjacent to Union Reservoir,…

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trainees say

  • "I first planned to join with my friend Jessie. She and Marco Salmen are dear friends and my husband ran track with Marco and Chas. I know Jessie has been wanting to join but with the arrival of their new baby last year, this was not the best summer. I decided to still join in hopes of meeting some awesome women and overcoming my dislike for running, biking, and swimming! I hoped it would help with my mental grit in tennis. I ended the summer more proud of myself than I could have imagined and it was very special for me to have my husband and three children at the race. Before this summer, my opinion had always been that I hated running. This experience has proven to me that I can get past that and view it as a way to enjoy my day and the world around me. I am looking forward to running in the Aspen Golden Leaf in a few weeks. I would have never considered signing up if not for the strength and self-confidence I gained this summer. You are wonderful coaches. I felt empowered and comforted throughout the whole process. You knew when to push and when to let it be. Your work is meaningful and important and I truly thank you for dedicating your time to cultivating the team. I am looking forward to being part of RFWTT in future years!"

    Alex Braeger First Year Tri-umph 2023
  • “The Gifts of Grit, Grace and Gratitude! The Roaring Fork Womens Triathlon Team was one of the greatest gifts I have given myself yet! Before joining I had never swam a full lap across a pool, or ever run a 5K, let alone any race for that matter. I always considered myself an outdoorsy girl, but never an athlete. Thanks to the help of this team, I have ignited a light and fire within and a thirst to find more of me . If you're looking for something to help you break out of your shell, this just might be the thing!”

    Jashine Wise First Year Tri-umph 2019
  • "Carla and Sharma, I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that I signed up for this team. I was a bit apprehensive because I am not in great shape, and I wasn’t sure I could keep up and fit in. I am so glad I didn’t let my fear stop me. I was worried about today, our first long run. I knew, if I had to, I could easily walk for the balance of the hour after I couldn’t run anymore, but I wanted to push myself to run as much as I could. I knew it would be awful. I was dreading it. In the past “training” on my own, I’ve always just tried to do a short run as fast as I could make myself go (a mile or 2 or 3). And I hated it. Always, I was glad I had done it, but I hated actually doing it. Today was the most fun 4 mile run/walk I’ve ever done. My legs are tired, but I don’t feel like my lungs are bleeding. I feel energized for the rest of my day. I am actually looking forward to my own practice run this week and next week’s group run. I have to admit, the whole heartrate thing sounded fine and all the last 2 weeks – but I had no idea what a revelation it is! Now I can actually enjoy my run and be making progress towards my goals, instead of feeling like I didn’t push hard enough and getting down on myself for walking a minute. I love the long slow distance! I love that I can apply discipline and make progress without killing myself. I look forward to getting more and more distance under me in that hour as my fitness improves. Jeannette is wonderful! I’ve been struggling and plugging away on my swimming. Kathy has been awesome. She is so kind and encouraging. On Monday she pushed us, made me try to do something I didn’t think I could do, and now I know I can do it! I am so pleased to be adding swimming as an activity I can do – forever – to help me stay active and fit after I’ve crossed the triathalon finish line. Yay! I still have a long way to go. I was convinced after the orientation I can really do this, but I knew I was going to have to work hard and stay committed. What really sunk in today is that your guidance and support are going to make this process enjoyable. Wow! I am not just going to survive this summer, I am going to have a wonderful time while I exercise, and learn so much. It is going to be tough at times, but the coaches are going to gently push me to do more than I ever thought I could do. You are all not only patient and enthusiastic, but you have so much knowledge to share that will help me for the rest of my life to stay engaged and active. I am so grateful to you, all the coaches, the many ladies who have clearly put so much into this program for so long, and my new supportive tri-sisters. What a great decision it was to sign up."

    Jamie First Year Tri-umph 2019
  • "Carla and Sharma, I can’t express my gratitude or thank you enough for all you have done for me and so many women! Thanks for the nudging and lessons you taught me to get me to the finish line! I especially love how you embrace the fact that everyone is so different and letting us all run our own race and being proud of who we are. Not having to be the best and the fastest....but just being who we are. You are both very inspirational!"

    Laura First Year Tri-umph 2019
  • I do want to take a minute and thank you . This has been the coolest experience of my life. I feel like, not only have I been inspired, but I’m inspiring others. I have loved every minute of it and I am so grateful to all of you and all that you do. I have never been surrounded by women that make me feel like I can do anything, and that is how you and my team mates make me feel. I feel pretty, I feel strong, I feel capable, I feel limitless and I feel alive when I am around you and the team. You have created such a beautiful thing and you inspire me to be a better person. You have changed my life and I am so very, very grateful.

    Janelle First Year Tri-umph 2014
  • Nancy, I feel GREAT about the training. My heart rate has decreased quite a bit doing the same pace as four weeks ago. For instance, walking up the hill this week, my HR was the same as it was during our parking lot walks last month. My swimming time has also improved greatly as I have learned the right way to breathe! I feel that both my strength and my endurance have improved dramatically. I have gained so much confidence doing this training and feel better about my body, my health and my abilities than I have in years. I forgot how FUN it is to work with a team — I love it! I so appreciate all the work you and Judy put into it!

    Leslie First Year Tri-umph 2014
  • You Rock! You both are so inspirational and motivating. I wouldn’t be where I am in triathlon without you! Thanks, Kelly

    Kelly Second Year Tri-umph 2013
  • Nancy and Judy I want to you know that you do an exceptional job of pulling this all together. It was very well-organized and very well-run, and I will highly recommend it to any potential triathlete I meet! I enjoyed the knowledge that I can run long(er) distances than I’ve ever tried to run before. Not something I really want to know because now I don’t have any excuses, but now I also don’t have any excuses! You chose exceptional people to be your assistant coaches, too. Special kudos to Caryn, Heidi, Sharma and Carol. They were extremely supportive to me personally. Thanks, Laura

    Laura First Year Tri-umph, 2013
  • It was a fantastic summer– one of the best things I have done in a long time! I loved the camaraderie from the participants and the coaches was amazing and unexpected. I have new friends, workout buddies and a new outlook on life. I learned about balance. If I tried this on my own, I would have tried to go to extremes in both exercise and nutrition. The training kept me in check and offered me a new perspective. This has been applied to other areas of my life as well. My husband keeps commenting on how I have positively changed both physically and emotionally. I already miss the trainings and the group on a whole. I cannot thank Nancy and Judy enough for your support, advice, teaching, encouragement and inspiration. Lynn

    Lynn First Year Tri-umphs, 2013
  • I’m a pretty quiet person and not very comfortable in crowds. By the end of the summer I felt a part of something that was much bigger than I had imagined. I gained confidence in myself and comfort having others around me. The whole experience was fabulous. Linda

    Linda First Year Tri-umphs, 2013
  • I felt so prepared and was so pleased with the whole experience. I loved every minute and wouldn’t change a thing! Something I gained but didn’t expect to gain from my Tri Experience this summer was the mental as well as physical self worth. I have always been athletic and sports oriented but I never approached it from a mental standpoint. The visualization was amazing! This was very therapeutic for me. Just what I needed to get through the summer! I just want to thank you both so much for all the support, advice and training you gave me over the summer. I have been struggling with finding myself over the last couple of years. This experience and the energy and support I got from the two of you and the team was exactly what I needed! Sandy.

    Sandy First Year Tri-umph, 2013
  • I was surprised at how many amazing friendships I gained, and how much triathlon training, preparation and doing it relates to real life. It is such a wonderful analogy. Always have a plan B. I want to know how much you made this summer incredible for me, I have so many fond memories and skills that I will take with me forward into what is about to be a very busy fall. Thank you!! Tina

    Tina First Year Tri-umph, 2013
  • It was wonderful to be around strong, fit women. I enjoyed having a community to be a part of. What seemed impossible at the beginning of the summer was very much achievable by the end. And I learned a healthier way to get there, without pushing too hard or doing too much. Thanks again for a great season! Teka.

    Teka First Year Tri-umph, 2013
  • The Tri Team was an incredible experience for me. I understand how it is life-changing for so many…what a great service Nancy and Judy are providing! It’s easy to see how much thought and plain work goes into your leading the team every day of the entire season. I hope you are having time now to do just what you want to do for yourselves. I’m planning on being back next year…I didn’t discover until the day of the Tri itself that I am competitive! That was both enlightening and funny! Thank YOU so very much! Best, Judy

    Judith Second Year Tri-umph, 2013
  • I was so proud of my black body-marked numbers on my arm from the Tri For the Cure and was very disappointed that they washed off in the shower yesterday. I decided to rewrite it this morning (rookie)! I was asked by my husband if I rewrote the numbers which I denied but was busted because I wrote the 6 backwards! I am very proud! Thank you so much for such an AMAZING JOURNEY! I am still on my TRI HIGH. Thanks again. I actually feel really good today not too sore and very pleased for what I accomplised on my first TRI ! Sincerely, Not a Tri-Baby Anymore!! Jennifer # 796

    Jennifer Markovich First Year Tri-umph 2012
  • Nancy and Judy, I had a great race and decided that I do really like being a triathlete. I wasn’t sure before the race that I’d do another one. Katie and I were getting ready Saturday evening and wishing that we’d bought those snazzy timer chip ankle bands. Katie said, “well, we can order them from Amazon tonight.” I said “We’ll see, this might be my last race, let’s wait until tomorrow.” I guess we’re ordering them! I had a great race and decided to complete instead of compete, even with myself, and it made it very enjoyable. Thanks for all the tips and tricks. I think I used most of them and have the others tucked away for future use.

    Janet Earley Third Year Tri-umph 2012